Friday, May 20, 2011

The Project

     The Bell rang, everyone was in their seats in the history class, Contemporary World Studies CP. Mr. Phillips - strutted his way to the front of the room.
    "Everybody there are numbers in this hat, each one of you will pick one and find the other person who ha the same digit. You will be partners for the next project." Mr Phillips went around the room, everyone took  a number out of the ugly purple feathered hat. "Everyone get in your groups." Mr. Phillips headed back to the desk to retrieve the rubrics and project assignment.
    "Great now I have to work with a senior I've never met before," Ashley mumbled to herself. She grabbed her things and walked over to sit next to her partner, Aqua, Aqua Tanner.
    "Hey, are you number three?" Aqua asked.
    "Yeah, I'm Ashley." She almost whispered shyly.
    " Cool, so I' m just gonna ask straight up are you going to be able to work or just sit there?"Aqua asked blandly and unemotional.
    "Yup I'm very responsible you don't have to worry." Ashley answered respectfully.
    " Oh I'm not just wondering if I would have to hold your hand through this project." Aqua stated sarcastically.
    " No, well you don't have to huh?" Ashley asked patiently.
    " Guess not," Aqua answered, a smile breaking through her unemotional exterior, showing a side of her kind sweet self. Aqua liked this girl, surprising, considering she didn't like most people.
    " Alright, well this project sounds like a lot of fun." Ashley said ambitiously. Knocking over Aquas project rubric on the floor. "Oops my bad." She said.
    " That's alright, so do you have an ideas?" Aqua asked.
    " Well no, I'm sort of unimaginative to say the least, but I'm really good at projects so if you have an idea?" Ashley hesitated, she was good when it came to project and schoolwork, but she was distrusting when it came to keeping secrets for some reason her mouth couldn't stay shut.
    "Okay," Ashley said. They started working on the project. They were polite to each other but they couldn't be best friends they were really different.


  1. I like the names you used they were very creative. I wonder what would have happened if you made your dialog flow more. I wish I could read more.

  2. I like this story because it reminds me of actual high school life, like how some people really don't want to work with others. I wonder what happens next! i wish i knew! ;)

  3. I already knew the story from when you read it but I liked it even better when i read it myself. I wish it would describe both characters more and I wonder how you got those names because they are really pretty!:)

  4. I agree with Rachel, It reminds me of actual highschool life as well. Alot of people usually talk the way you did in this story, cause I know alot of people dont like to do work & whatnot.

  5. I liked your story because it was realistic and the dialogue as realistic too. Also I liked the names of your characters. I wonder what would happen next in your story if you kept writing, I wish you could have written more.
