Friday, May 27, 2011


The coach handed me the ball.
The bat missed the ball.

I threw a strike,
hoping she won't hit the ball.

I focus on the glove,
I hear the fans yelling throw the ball.

As I throw the ball to the glove,
I hear her coach yell hit the ball.

One more strike,
I'm scared to throw the ball.

The crowd is yelling,
Come on Mikayla throw the ball.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Project

     The Bell rang, everyone was in their seats in the history class, Contemporary World Studies CP. Mr. Phillips - strutted his way to the front of the room.
    "Everybody there are numbers in this hat, each one of you will pick one and find the other person who ha the same digit. You will be partners for the next project." Mr Phillips went around the room, everyone took  a number out of the ugly purple feathered hat. "Everyone get in your groups." Mr. Phillips headed back to the desk to retrieve the rubrics and project assignment.
    "Great now I have to work with a senior I've never met before," Ashley mumbled to herself. She grabbed her things and walked over to sit next to her partner, Aqua, Aqua Tanner.
    "Hey, are you number three?" Aqua asked.
    "Yeah, I'm Ashley." She almost whispered shyly.
    " Cool, so I' m just gonna ask straight up are you going to be able to work or just sit there?"Aqua asked blandly and unemotional.
    "Yup I'm very responsible you don't have to worry." Ashley answered respectfully.
    " Oh I'm not just wondering if I would have to hold your hand through this project." Aqua stated sarcastically.
    " No, well you don't have to huh?" Ashley asked patiently.
    " Guess not," Aqua answered, a smile breaking through her unemotional exterior, showing a side of her kind sweet self. Aqua liked this girl, surprising, considering she didn't like most people.
    " Alright, well this project sounds like a lot of fun." Ashley said ambitiously. Knocking over Aquas project rubric on the floor. "Oops my bad." She said.
    " That's alright, so do you have an ideas?" Aqua asked.
    " Well no, I'm sort of unimaginative to say the least, but I'm really good at projects so if you have an idea?" Ashley hesitated, she was good when it came to project and schoolwork, but she was distrusting when it came to keeping secrets for some reason her mouth couldn't stay shut.
    "Okay," Ashley said. They started working on the project. They were polite to each other but they couldn't be best friends they were really different.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Flying Horse

    I'm finally out of high school, I can now do what I want. Me and my boyfriend were planning on moving out into a place or our own. We'd been looking for a place for almost a month now. We finally found the right place a couple of days ago so all I've been doing is packing.
    As I was cleaning out the table beside my bed I noticed that the flying horse that my gram gave me, that always hung over my crib as a baby was missing. This couldn't be happening, I've had this my whole life and it's my favorite thing in the whole world. I know it's not much but I love it.
    My boyfriend knew how important it was to me so he searched for 2 hours looking for it until he found it. It was underneath my bed hidden under boxes that had my toys and books from when I was a kid. I was so happy there was no way that I would have been able to leave without it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Cancer

Mother died today. She had been battling cancer for 2 years now. I was hoping this day would never come. Last week they told us she still had a month to live, but  guess it's worse the they thought.
                                                         (2 Years Earlier)
Today we found out that mom had cancer. When i heard those words come out of the doctors mouth, I broke down. No one wants to hear those words. The doctors told us they caught it right in time, so hopefully the chemo will help.
Later that night  I heard my parents talking. My mom was crying and was telling dad how scared she was. My dad told her that he would take time off of work and we would go do everything she has always wanted to do. I walked in the room crying and gave her a big hug. I didn't want to leave her side. I'm only 8, that's not enough time with my mom. My dad  told me that tonight i could sleep with my mom if I wanted to.
                                                           To Be Continued........